Welcome to Glaem! I’m excited to share my adventures with you as I dive into the world of Generative Art.

I love the idea of using decentralized data as the basis for my work, and I’m particularly focusing on the Stellar Blockchain. For my first piece, I decided to start with a visualization of the coins contained in a Stellar wallet. The code will analyze an account and display the XLM coins for you. The resulting image is unique to the account and will change as the account balance goes up and down.

I’ve also scattered a few special coins out there, so let me know if you find one!

You will see a “Save” button once the art is created. You can use this to download a PNG of the image created. I would love to see your results! You can tag #glaemart or @glaemart to notify me if you share it on social media. I’ve provided a test key if you don’t have your own Stellar account so that you can see an example.

Art Generator


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